Okay. Today was for sure the highlight of the entire trip so far. One girl on my team, named Emma, and I really bonded today over God’s immense love for the both of us. We both became vulnerable with each other about how we were actually feeling and it brought us so much closer together. We got to spend the whole day together and I think she’s a big reason as to why it was so good, so she’s pretty cool I guess.
Today we ate breakfast together in a gorgeous garden, went to Spanish church, had a coffee date with such powerful conversations, walked around the square in Antigua and ATL’d (Ask The Lord) and got to pray over some awesome people.
Then on the bus ride home we had a quick English lesson with a seven year old girl. We came home to play volleyball, eat some fried rice and watch the sunset :)
Sorry that was just today lol but this week’s highlights include:
Monday morning coffee at our favorite coffee shop probably in all of Guatemala, Bayit.
Tuesday morning house visits
Wednesday morning coffee shop-stop in Parramos
Our first activation day Thursday
Friday all day soccer :) and vball in the rain !!
A slow, coffee-shop-day Saturday, along w some thrifting of course! And I already told you all about Sunday haha
Thanks for reading, I hope you had a wonderful week full of growth and joy, cheers to the next one!
Love you all so much, thanks for everything!!
