You guys are incredible!!!! Within just two days of sending emails and talking to friends and family about the mission trip, I was already halfway to my fundraising goal! I cannot thank each one of you enough for your continuous support throughout this journey so far - you have already done so much! You all have impacted me immensely,I could not be more grateful.
I could not be more excited for June and just to meet so many new faces long the way! I am continuing to pray for guidance and wisdom as there are still some unknown details and anxiousness as we get closer and closer to launch. I have also been thankful that God has really calmed my nerves and just asked me to have more faith and rest in Him as he is the one who controls everything.
I actually was becoming quite nervous and a little frustrated with my diabetic educator as she would not return my physical release form after I had made it clear to her that I needed it ASAP. Nonetheless, as God has surrounded me with such a encouraging, helpful people, my dad reminded me that only God has the power. Ultimately, Jesus presents you with your choices and all that is in your power is which one you choose and how you react.

As we are only 45 days until we leave for Guatemala, I have been preparing for this trip in a number of ways. I have been praying for guidance and other ways to introduce the trip to those who have not heard. I have also been going to Spanish church twice a week to hear sermons and also practice Spanish prayer. I have been reading devotionals each day and just learning more details about different religions that I hadn't known before. Overall, god has been teaching me lots and we still have lots of time before we go so I cannot wait for what's to come and what all he will do with and within each of us.
I currently have no fun pictures of my own, so here is a video I think you should check out!